Zed - RetiredRace:
Kobold Class: Monk Subclass: Way of the Ascendant Dragon Campaign: Tyranny of Dragons Description: Just an adorkable Kobold who loves dragons and wants to become one when he grows up. Tonk - RetiredRace:
Goliath Class: Fighter Subclass: Rune Knight Campaign: Rime of the Frostmaiden Description: Member of the the Thunnlakalaga family, Tonk was a prized Goat Ball champion with a knack for learning an leverage runes in his style of game. Joined the adventuring party to end the endless winter. Martyn - CharityRace:
Half-Elf Class: Cleric Warlock Subclass: Trickery Domain The Archfey Campaign: Charity Character Description: A Loki variant hiding in the game of Dungeons & Dragons. |
Gnakzon "Gnak" Vramkin - RetiredRace:
Custom Lineage (Ratfolk) Class: Monk Subclass: Way of Shadow Campaign: Spelljammer Description: Gnak is a Rat. Gnak is a Monk. Gnak has a gun. Snowball III - RetiredRace:
Human Class: Rogue Fighter Subclass: Thief Campaign: Curse of Strahd Description: Grew up in Barovia and saw an adventuring party looking for someone who needed connections. Life lead him to become the care taker of Ravenloft and Strahd's new left hand man. Gaks (Pronounced "Jax") - Guest CharacterRace:
Kobold Class: Ranger Subclass: Drakewarden Campaign: A Character I tune to meet the campaign or one-shot I'm guest appearing on. Description: He's a cute Kobold with a pet drake. |